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Running, rebounds, passings. Basketball is a beautiful game, whether you just go to throw to the basket somewhere on the sports field, or play streetball with your friends, it is good to have a comfortable and functional jersey. We make no difference between amateur athletes and professionals. We always offer premium quality according to customer’s requirements. We will supply basketball jerseys, shorts and shirts (for change of clothes) according to your own preference.

More information

Basketball Jerseys

The basketball jersey pattern is manufactured in two versions – the men’s (classical or raglan) and the women’s (classical or raglan anatomically adapted to the female body). You can also choose from new, attractive adjusted patterns. Naturally, you can choose the type of collar, fonts and numbers according to your your wishes. The basic jerseys size can be determined using size tables. The best materials of jerseys are: CANADA 155 gr., CoMo 160 gr., LION 160 gr., KOSTKA 145 gr., BÁRA 145 gr., GOLF 205 gr. and O-Zone 170 gr. Golf 205 gr. material is an interesting option. It is a comfortable, sublime elastic material of close-fitting pattern that ensures excellent sweat removal, thus helping to maintain a constant body temperature. More detailed information about materials can be found here. And the price? Basic information can be found in the price list.

Basketball Shorts

Basketball shorts and shorts can also be chosen and ordered separately without the jerseys. However, if you need a complete sporting set, we recommend choosing a jersey to which we will prepare a correction of the shorts in the same design without any commitment. Basketball shorts are manufactured in two versions of the pattern. Men’s (classic) and women’s (elastic). You can choose from new, attractive adjusted patterns. The best materials of jerseys are: CANADA 155 gr., CoMo 160 gr., LION 160 gr., KOSTKA 145 gr., BÁRA 145 gr., GOLF 205 gr., O-Zone 170 gr. More information about materials can be found here. The size can be determined using our size tables. And the price? Basic information can be found in price list.

Shirts for Wearing on Jerseys

Nowadays shirts belong to the standard basketball clothing. The main advantage of shirts is prevention of sudden exposure to cold and thus possible muscle injury. The standard design is short sleeved, but a long sleeve is also possible. Shirt can be fitted with short zipper or whole-zipper. Basketball shirts along with trousers create a perfect match in design, according to customer’s wishes. Thanks to its very nice pattern design, the shirts and pants belong to a very sought-after assortment. The shirts can be produced from a material of your choice. More detailed information about materials can be found here. It is possible to specify the size according to our size tables. The basic information on the price can be found in the price list.

Vlastní návrh

Pokud si nevyberete žádný model dresu z naší nabídky, nebo požadujete basketbalové dresy, trenýrky a převlečníky v originálním designu,můžeme v našem grafickém studiu společně s vámi vytvořit designy podle vašich představ. Příprava grafického návrhu je zdarma. Samostatná výroba se vždy uskuteční až po odsouhlasení vzorků nebo tiskových náhledů. V případě ztráty nebo zničení vašich současných dresů vám rádi zkompletujeme neúplné sady zhotovením podobných dresů tak, abyste i nadále mohli tyto dresy používat.